Rules of Double-Entry

1. Every transaction affects at least TWO accounts.

2. There must be at least one debit and one credit.

3. The total debit must be equal to the total credit.

4. The particulars in one account refer to the name of the other account in which the double entry is recorded.

We will now use the double-entry procedure to record a few transactions. Before we start, it will be helpful to analyze the transactions carefully.

Homework for S3C, S3B and S2B


No Question Debit Credit
1Purchased pen and paper by cash Printing and Stationery Cash at Hand
2Bought a lorry by cash
3Sold goods to cash customers
4Bought goods from supplier Jim on credit
5Discount given by supplier Jim
6Return goods to supplier Jim
7Paid cheque to Jim for amount owed to him
8Sold goods to customer Tina on credit
9Discount given to Tina
10Tina paid amount owed by cash
11Owner brought in his own car as an asset for the business
12Owner took out cash from business's bank account to pay for his own rent
